Business therapy for your professional self

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About DrBizCoach


I am a university academic researching and teaching entrepreneurship, organisational diversity, and cross-cultural leadership for the last 12 years. I have developed multiple incubators and accelerators in the UK higher education space with support from government and private sector bodies. I also help scientists commercialise their research for industrial applications.

My decision to coach professionally was sparked in no small measure by former students on executive and MBA programmes working in senior corporate and founder roles today who got back in touch with requests for longer coaching sessions. Today, they are confronted by new problems, often repackaged as old ones, and they find value in in-depth coaching by someone who knows their talent trajectory and their ambitious path forward.

I bring the same approach to new clients. The idea is to work with someone who is trained to gauge these accurately and sits at the intersection of cutting-edge research and the latest good practices to equip you with the best tools and resources for your growth, success, and wellbeing.


My approach to coaching is contextual and embedded within your various environments and life experiences. With such a situated style of coaching, I encourage professionals to view themselves in the context of their environment and their past, present, and projected future selves. The focus is not just on working on yourself in isolation but also trying to see if/how your environment might be contributing to or hampering your success and wellbeing. Modern work environments can often make us feel like we are the problem. I am here to tell you that more often than not, it's not you.

This is an extension of my life's ambition to help individuals and organisations create an integrated, inclusive, multicultural world where people can move from culture to culture within the same interaction seamlessly. As we welcome more diverse people in organisational spaces, I hope the burden of cultural translation will minimise so we can all just focus on thriving rather than surviving.

Why DrBizCoach?

Most coaches will introduce elementary psychological and business theories in general. Whilst these are helpful if you're looking to learn about them, perhaps a simple web search could help with that too. The game changer is to let advanced business research and latest niche practices guide reflective inquiry to help you and your business specifically succeed in a truly co-immersive experience. We answer what might another founder or professional do in your position and can you do it better?

I do not set ex-ante metrics for you to achieve in a certain timeframe. Nor are you left on your own to figure it all out. The process is self-determined and self-paced. Goal setting is guided for realism and ambition but dependent only on what you're comfortable with. You should expect accountability as much as compassion for progress.

This will help build your own unique arsenal of negotiation and marketing skills, self-advocacy, strategies to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics at work, and learn a customised version of entrepreneurship 101 that you can draw from for the rest of your career.

What we do

Venture building

Whether you are looking to establish a business in the UK, seeking seed funding, submitting a grant application, or looking to scale up, we provide all the resources and customised research-backed coaching to help you succeed. We rely on our established network for legal, tax, and immigration advice to guide you at every step. Save time and money skimming through basics, learn guided entrepreneurship principles applied specifically to you to create a personalised skills portfolio for life.

Research commercialisation

Have you developed a technical innovation but struggling to commercialise it? We help scientists and academics translate their research for industrial application and scale. This allows you to keep focus on intensive R&D in the growth phase, imbibing  venture building skills through our sessions until you're ready to market the innovation yourself. You also learn the art of grant writing and pitching to different audiences -- private investors, government bodies, and funding organisations.

Career coaching

Whether you're looking to bag that promotion, need specialised feedback on your CV or an application from an unbiased outsider, or thinking about a career change, we've got you covered. Negotiating these milestones can be especially tricky as a woman, person of colour, or as an international employee. With our multicultural strategies, we empower you to face these situations head on whether you work for a Big 4 consulting firm or for a Michelin star restaurant.

Executive leadership coaching

Would you like to develop your leadership and management style in a safe environment? Do you want to learn how to build organisational culture and trust within your team as an authentic, compassionate, but authoritative leader? Using our situated style of coaching, we can help you do just that. Practice sessions in an off-site space for greater privacy are also available.

Life coaching

Integrating our work, social, and personal lives in a way that feels whole and complete can feel like a struggle especially when multiple demands are competing for our attention. Through our holistic life coaching, we work together to identify priorities and map challenges to discover and express our full identities and live them.

Diversity consulting

Are you an organisation committed to diversity, equality, and inclusion but struggling to identify areas of greatest impact? Have you invested substantial resources into DEI but disappointed with the results and recognition? Through our research-backed customised advice, clients implement DEI strategies easily in a time and cost-efficient manner generating maximum impact and fostering inclusivity.
